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Road To Redemption

  Road to Redemption

  Second Chances Book 2

  May Gordon

  Copyright © 2018 by May Gordon

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Cover Photo: Bigstock Photo

  Cover Design: May Gordon

  Editor: Elizabeth Neal

  Created with Vellum


  Road to Redemption

  May Gordon


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Epilogue One

  Epilogue Two

  Epilogue Three

  More Books

  Road to Redemption

  Stella Hames has always been alone. Her mom neglected her, and her dad left them both, which means loneliness was her only companion. When she meets Wyatt Huntley, she sees the same isolation within him and sets out to be his friend. But he broke her heart, leaving a stain on her young soul. Stella left Orchard Valley soon after and didn’t return for fifteen years.

  Wyatt Huntley grew up with a drunk father who believed in abuse instead of affection, an indifferent mother, and the toxic love they called a relationship. Because of this, he knew he never wanted any connection with a woman, but when the sweet girl he rejected walks back into his life everything changes. At that moment, he swears he’ll do everything in his power to make up for the past, no matter how much she hates him. That’s when he realizes though the road to redemption may be long, Stella is worth every step.

  May Gordon

  Warning: Sweet, sexy and safe reads! Happily ever after guaranteed! This author writes what she likes to read. That means there will be instalove, OTT Heroes, and, brace yourselves, virgin characters at times. If none of those float your boat, you might want to find another book. If they do, you're in the right place.



  I stare into the dark alley between the old hardware and feed stores from the corner I’m hiding behind. Wyatt Huntley is just standing there as his father yells at him. Then suddenly, his father starts hitting him too and I watch as he stumbles. Wyatt doesn’t fight back, just repeatedly takes it, never saying a word, his face showing no emotion.

  After what seems like forever, his dad leaves, and Wyatt just stands there. He interests me. He’s sixteen, a whole six years older than me, and goes to the high school in town. I didn’t grow up here like he did, but as soon as I arrived in town a few months ago, he caught my eye and I’ve been watching him ever since because there’s something about him. I’ve tried to talk to him a few times, but he’d always push me so he could get away, or blatantly ignore me. I see the sadness in his eyes, the loneliness, and it calls to my own. I want to be his friend.

  My mother and I are continually moving because she changes jobs like you would socks. Unfortunately, with every new town comes a bunch of men, the majority not friendly. She’s always ignoring me, too busy going out, so I know what Wyatt’s feeling, how alone and sad he must be, and I want him to know I’m here.

  Then I hear it, and notice he’s crying as I look closer. I walk forward, planning to comfort him, but I must’ve made a noise because his head shoots up. He seems shocked to see me.

  “Hi,” I say shyly.

  He wipes his face and storms past me, bumping me with his shoulder as he does. I’m guessing he’s embarrassed, but it’s okay that he cried. I do it all the time. I’ll be his friend. I won't give up until I am.

  A few days later…

  I wait for him across the street from the hardware store he’s dad owns. It’s been a few days since the alley and I wanted to bring him a plate of cookies I’d made. With Mom gone so much, I’d learned long ago how to cook for myself. That’s when I discovered I love baking. I see him walk out and rush over to him.

  “Wyatt,” I say, stopping practically right in front of him. His eyes widen in shock, then anger crosses his face. “I baked you some cookies,” I tell him as I hold up the plate.

  He scowls and looks around, so I do too. I see people watching, some smiling, others curious.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He growls angrily. I ’m not shocked by it, and press on.

  “I want to be friends.” I move the plate toward him, my hands shaking.

  “Friends? You're crazy,” he says with a sneer, then slaps it out of my hands. It falls and the plate breaks, pieces of it and the cookies scattering on the sidewalk. “Leave me alone you freak,” he demands before storming off. I hold my tears in as I slowly gather the mess he made.

  I know he must be upset about what I saw. His home life is terrible. But I just wanted him to know he’s not alone. I knew this wouldn’t be easy, and I’m ready to keep trying.

  Another few days later…

  I walk down the long driveway of the Huntley farm, I know Wyatt doesn’t want to see me, but I'm determined to be his friend. I skipped the cookies this time and decided to talk to him instead. Over the last few days I‘ve made other attempts, but he either ignored me, shoved me out of the way, or told me to get lost. He’s been ruthless and mean to me at every turn, but I won't give up.

  I see him fixing a fence, he expression angry. “Hi.” My voice is shy and shaky because I'm still a little scared to talk to him. He was so angry last time and I don’t want to upset him again.

  He looks shocked to see me, then quickly glances behind him at his house.

  “What are you doing here?” He hisses.

  “I want to talk,” I reply, my voice almost a whisper

  He throws his hammer in the toolbox, and his eyes narrow as he warns, “Listen here, little girl.”

  “Stella.” I correct him, just as quietly as before.

  “I don’t fucking care what your name is. Why do you keep following me?”

  “I’m sorry, I just-“

  “Shut up!” He yells then looks over his shoulder again. “I don’t know what your problem is or why you keep following me around, but you’ve been doing it for weeks now. I have no time for some pudgy four eyed loser stalking me,” he growls, his eyes as hard as his voice.

  The tears well up because I don’t understand. I want to be his friend. We’re both lonely and have a horrible parent. That means we should stick together. I start to explain that to him, but he talks before I can.

  “Listen you little freak, go back to wherever you came from and leave me the fuck alone. You’re a waste of space and time.”

  I can’t help it, the tears silently fall down my cheeks. “But…but,” I try to say, wanting him to understand.

  “No!” he yells. “That’s enough. Just go away, I’m leaving as soon as possible, then you won't have anyone to stalk. You might as well get lost now and never come back.” He picks up his hammer again and goes back to working. “Nobody wants you.” And with that I burst into tears.

  I turn and run away, his words ringing in my ears. Nobody wants you. He’s right. Nobody does. Not my father who ran out on me or my mother who ignores me, and not him. I’m still crying when I get home, if you can even call it that.

  My young heart completely broke that day, and it wasn’t long after that my mother moved us once again. I’ve never forgotten the way Wyatt treated me though. It’s like a stain to my heart that’ll never leave, an ache that never fades but I hope I grow out of it at some point. I just wished I was brave enough to look back that day. If I had, maybe I would’ve seen the regret in his sad, lonely eyes.

  Chapter 1

  Stella~Fifteen years later

  I never thought I’d be here again. I never looked back after leaving all those years ago. We’d moved a few counties over and it wasn’t long after that when I was taken from my mother and put into a group foster home. To be honest, it wasn’t any better than living with her.

  I left when I was sixteen and started working at a bakery doing the grunt work. I lived above the store with another young girl, Erin. I’d already had a knack and passion for baking and the older couple that owned it taught me everything they knew. When they passed away years later, they’d left everything they had to me and Erin. We sold the business and Erin took her half and moved to California to be with her sick mother. I searched for cheap farms and a possible bakery nearby which led me back to Orchard Valley. The building was right in the heart of town, on Main Street. Ironically, the small farm I’d found is right next to the Huntley family.

  I look up at my new shop, focusing on the newly installed ‘Stella’s Bakery’ sign. I had a few ladybugs added to it since they’re my favorite. I remember reading about them in one of the books from the group home. When the ladybug spirit guide appears in your life, it’s an omen of good luck. Your wishes and dreams may be fulfilled, so you should prepare yourself, and on top of that, it symbolizes that you can leave your worries behind because new happiness is on its way. It fits perfectly what I want my life to be.

  The grand opening is in a week and I’ve spent every second getting ready for it. Heck, I haven’t even moved into my farmhouse yet,
though it is the next step. I look across the street and see the old hardware store and memories come rushing back. The plate of cookies slapped out of my hand and how they spilled across this very street, and the boy who did it.

  I know he must be long gone now, he told me he was leaving as soon as he could. I wish I would’ve tried harder, stood up for myself. Something. Anything. The way he treated me and how I was weak in allowing him to make me sad, all these years later it still makes me angry.

  When I told some of the locals I bought the farm next to the Huntley’s, they merely told me it’s called the Iron Gate Ranch now, then proceeded to say it was a great place. I took that as being Wyatt had left. Well, wherever he is I hope he found a friend and some peace, even if I still feel bitter inside about him.

  “Hey there.” I turn to see a man across the street. He gives me a wave then walks toward me. He must be a local.

  “Hello.” I smile as he gets close, closer than I expected. He’s tall, has blond hair, and is wearing what looks to be a very expensive suite. Maybe not from here after all.

  “I’m Mathew.” He holds out his hand and I get a whiff of his cologne and almost choke. He’s wearing way too much of it.

  “Stella,” I say, as we shake.

  “Should’ve known by the sign.” He points at it above me. “When’s the grand opening?”

  “Next week.” I take a step back trying to get some fresh air.

  “Well, I’m sure all your goodies are delicious.” His eyes roam over my body and I have a feeling he’s not talking about the kind I make.

  “Are you a local?” I ask, trying to change the subject.

  “God no,” he replies as he scrunches his nose in disgust. “I’m a lawyer, trying to buy farmland for my employer.” He puffs his chest out like he’s proud.

  “Interesting,” I murmur. Taking land from hardworking farmers isn’t something to boast about.

  “Yeah, I'll be here a few more weeks, possibly months unfortunately. Maybe you can keep me company,” he hints as he leans into me again.

  I plaster on a fake smile and taking another step back. “Perhaps I’ll see you at the opening.” I look at my phone and it’s almost three. “I have to run, nice to meet you,” I lie then leave.

  “Hey, I can give you a ride,” he calls after me. I don’t stop when I answer him though.

  “No thanks. See you later.” And I speed walk to my old truck. It’s loaded with some of my stuff, the rest was dropped off at the new farmhouse.

  I get in and drive, noticing most of the stores I remember from when I was ten are still here, a few new ones as well. It seems like a much happier place than when I lived here. Or I'm just a happier person now. I arrive home a few minutes later and it takes my breath away. It’s a small patch of land, only about four acres, nothing compared to the forty next door at the Iron Gate as its now called. Sounds welcoming, I know.

  I park out front, and see my other stuff was already dropped off. Between that, and what's in my truck it'll take all day and night to unload. Maybe I should’ve asked some of the movers to help. I decide to paint first since the porch and door need some TLC, as does everything else.

  Taking a deep breath, I decide to roll up my sleeves and get to work. This is my new adventure, my new life, and I’m determined to make it a happy one.

  Chapter 2


  I take the last bale of hay from my truck and toss it with the others. It’s been a long fucking day. I have two hands, Earl who’s in his fifties and is the fittest son of a bitch I’ve ever met, but he’s annoying as hell, optimistic and cheery as shit. He’s always trying to rub it off on me, though it never works. Berry is the other. He only works here part-time since he owns half the hardware store in town. I sold him my share years ago.

  My fucker of a father finally kicked the bucket when his liver couldn’t take the alcohol. He just dropped dead. I was eighteen, and before his body was even cold my mother left town without me. She didn’t give me the option to go either, just disappeared. Not that I would’ve. My parents were horrible people so good riddance to both. Seeing how they were as a couple and separately made me write women and relationships off forever. I didn’t ever want any of that in my life. That’s why I'm a thirty-one-year-old virgin who’s practically a hermit on his ranch. I hate going into town, and usually ask Berry to bring what I need after his shift at the store. That’s how much I dislike people, or maybe it’s just this town. Too many memories in this shithole, yet I never left. I guess once my dad died I had no reason to, so I just took over and worked the land my way. And have ever since.

  “Heard someone bought the Miller’s farm,” Earl says, his voice taking me out of my trance.

  I let out a grunt indicating I heard him. They were an old couple that lived next door to us all my life, yet they wouldn't sell to me, no matter how many times I asked because they’d never liked my family. Perfect timing too, I say since there’s a shark in town trying to buy people’s farms. Whoever the new buyer is I hope he doesn’t buckle under pressure from that dumbass lawyer. The last thing we need in this small town is a big company taking over.

  “Maybe you should go talk to them about sharing that lake on the land. Miller did tell you we’d have to negotiate use of it with the new owner,” he reminds me.

  There’s a lake of fresh water directly between our properties near the end of the four acres the Millers owned. We’d shared it, pumping it to the wells for the animals and emergencies.

  “You should do it,” I grunt at Earl. He’s the people person.

  I hear him chuckle as he says, “No can do, boy. You’re the owner. Just try not to be a giant ass.”

  I roll my eyes. It’s not like I try to be, it's just that I don’t care about others or what they think.

  “And you should do it sooner rather than later. With this draught and heat the chance of fires increase every day. It’d be important to have that well filled,” he pushes.

  Knowing he’s right, I let out a breath and say, “Fuck, fine.” I jump off the bed and close the tailgate. “Better get this over with now.”

  Earl smiles at me. “And I’ll finish this. Berry should be here soon.”

  I jump in my truck and drive off my property and toward the Miller’s. I stop when I see the new sign at the front entrance. ‘Ladybug Lane.’ What the fuck? What type of name is that for a farm? Oh god, please don’t let this guy be some hippie, I don’t think I could handle that.

  I keep driving, seeing ladybug lights along the fence of the driveway. I park next to the truck already there. It’s an old piece of shit and looks like a death trap. I glance at the front porch and see a fresh coat of white paint, and a bright red door. I get out and can see it’s still wet.

  I hear a noise in the barn and realize that must be where the whacko is. I walk to it and see the door is open, so I enter and look around, It’s completely empty, but I hear another noise and follow it to see the back is open too, so I continue and the sight before me freezes me in place.

  It’s a woman with her back toward me. She’s tall, slender, and has flowing brown hair. She’s fixing a fence for the pasture that attaches to the barn. Or attempting to.

  “Ouch!” She grunts, suddenly dropping her hammer. “Son of a gun.” I crack a smile at her cursing if you can even call it that.

  “Hey.” How fucking lame do I sound?

  She whips her head around, and all my breath leaves my lungs. My god, she is gorgeous. She has light honey brown eyes, pouty lips, and to top it all off, she’s wearing a bandana with ladybugs on it. Fuck! Why do I find that so sexy? Her eyes widen in shock, and something else. When I stare at her, I get a sense of familiarity, but I can’t place it.